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Signs to Watch for Take Your Dog to the Veterinarian

No two dog breeds are the same, especially when it comes to health matters. Health issues for dogs vary from common illnesses such as ear infections to various forms of cancer. The size of your dog makes a difference for some health issues. As an example, big dogs have more bone and joint problems; small dogs tend to have respiratory and organ disorders.

Know when to take your dog to our Kelowna Veterinarian Clinic

To keep your dog healthy and happy, it is important to understand a few common dog illnesses and diseases. Recognize the signs to watch for and know when you should bring your dog to a Kelowna Veterinarian Clinic. Below are some common dog health issues to take notice. Know when to take action when something seems seriously wrong with your dog to a Kelowna Veterinarian Clinic.

Arthritis in your dog

Symptoms to watch for:

Arthritis often strikes as dogs age. It is one of the more common health problems in older pets. Watch for slowing down in movement, limping and taking more time to get up after lying or sitting position.

What to do:

The main goal in treating Arthritis is to ease the discomfort as your dog ages. To that end, we want to ease the inflammation and give the joint the right supplements to slow the damage and to help rebuild cartilage as much as it can. Two main things to help slow the arthritis process down are diet and nutritional supplements.

A proper diet containing age appropriate food is essential. Of course, at Pawsitive Veterinary Care, we highly recommend a raw food diet that can be altered for older arthritic pets to better meet their needs and not aggravate existing arthritis. If you are feeding dry food and don’t wish to change, then look for bags labelled “Senior” with some added glucosamine. Supplements and other treatments vary from one dog to the next, but glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, turmeric and others are fabulous as is laser therapy.

Worms in your dog

Symptoms to watch for:

Your dog is losing weight, bloated belly, diarrhea, or lacks energy.

What to do:

Take your dog to your Veterinarian to be checked over to see if the symptoms are caused by worms. Your Veterinary may prescribe medication or will suggest how to treat the problem. A follow up might be necessary of regular fecal checks to your Kelowna Veterinarian will ensure all worms are eliminated from your dog.

Dog Kennel Cough

Symptoms to watch for:

Kennel cough is an upper respiratory infection transmitted from dogs interacting with each other. Signs most often include retching cough, sometimes bringing up white froth, a leaky nose and eyes, and occasionally off their food.

What to do:

Veterinarian can administer regular vaccines to prevent some strains of kennel cough. However, we find that the vaccinated dogs come down with this cough as much as unvaccinated. So it is not a high priority at Pawsitive Veterinary Care.

Medication prescribed by your veterinarian can help speed up recovery. At Pawsitive Veterinary Care, we rely heavily on alternative treatments to get your dog through this cough very successfully. Avoid other dogs especially in public spaces where the illness can spread rapidly. Allow your dog to rest and once you see signs of recovery, take your dog for walks again.

Dog Vomiting

Symptoms to watch for:

There are numerous causes your dog to vomit. Generally, vomiting is normal and probably brought on by something your dog digested.

What to do:

Watch for behaviours and signs leading up to any vomiting episode. If the vomiting is occasional, there is probably nothing to be over concerned. If the vomiting persists or you observe your dog is acting uncharacteristically before vomiting, this could be a warning sign for a number of things wrong and more serious issues. Bring your dog to your Veterinary clinic to be checked out.

Dog Obesity

Symptoms to watch for:

The weight may look obvious, but a regular weight check is important for the health of your dog. The reason it is important is to spot when your dog’s weight increases and to correct it early on.

What to do:

A good, steady, healthy diet and regular exercise are the best remedies to steer away from your dog becoming obese. Your dog obesity should gradually change in nutrition and exercise. Extremes in too much exercise or significant reduction food intake may create other health issues. Consult with your Veterinarian before any drastic changes to your dog’s diet.

Dog Cancer

Symptoms to watch for:

Cancer is one of the biggest killers for dogs. As well, it is probably the most expensive disease to treat. Symptoms to look for are in your dog are unusual odours, lumps, drastic weight loss, prolonged behavioural or mood changes.

What to do:

Early detection of these symptoms provides your dog with the best chance of recovery from cancer. As for cancerous tumours, depending on the type and where it is located, some can be surgically removed. In other cases, medication prescribed by your Veterinarian can help reduce the pain and discomfort your dog endures. Visit your Kelowna Veterinarian Clinic immediately is you see any of these symptoms are appearing from your dog might be cancerous.

If your dog shows any signs as described above, Pawsitive Veterinary Care has all the necessary supplies and equipment. Contact us right away.

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